Insert hands praising the Heavens!!

This just seems to be my year because these things just keep happening! I want to ‘blame’ Matt but that’s the wrong word. I want to thank him. Not only has he intentionally encouraged me to push myself, but always being around his personal drive & dedication to get his stuff done, I want to be on his level. I want to match him in contributions to our relationship in any way possible. I see him studying for his interviews, I’m sending out resumes & applications. He’s out working his retarded hours, I’m picking up as many shifts as I can & still applying. & I know my work doesn’t come close to his but i realize the other tings I do for him that make his home life a little bit easier. He always comes home to a clean house (bed is made, no dirty dishes, laundry is done). I’m getting around to the ‘having dinner ready’ part haha.. He’s grateful I keep everything organized for him & I love that ❤

Now for the epic update. The internship with Lisa fell through. After exchanging a few emails, turns out I wasn’t what she was looking for. Meaning, she thought I was overqualified for what she wanted. Womp womp.. The interview with Heckler went beautifully! I was told they were interviewing 6 people (so far) to create a small production team. That team would represent Heckler Associates & be tasked to separate upcoming brands. This job could not sounds any sweeter. They said they would let me know if they want me form the range of mid May to late July. Once again playing the waiting game but it’s part of the job..

HOWEVER, I did recieve a random email from Seattle Magazine last Thursday! I interviewed with them for a Freelance position on my birthday when I first moved here. The Art Director, Stephanie, said she really enjoyed my work & would probably have something open up for me for Freelance in March! Of course when March came around, I never heard from her again 😦 UNTIL NOW! In this email, she apologized for her ‘late response’ & asked if I’d be interested in working for her all this week, paid! FUCK YES I WOULD!! I wish it was a permanent position but Freelance for Seattle is a great start & foot in the door! So here I am, currently in the office, blogging hahahaha. I’ve done a few layouts for her today but I don’t have a reading on her yet. I think she’s developing one for me though.. Once I get a semi-decent grasp on how to do something, I’ll get it done efficiently & quickly. I’m no sure if she expected me to complete those layouts as quickly as I did or completely thought out me being here.. The purpose me being here right now if shipping week. I remember these very well from Charleston & I had a feeling I was being called in for it; an extra set of hands & eyes. Stephanie is one of he only designers doing the layouts so of course, a lot needs to be done. I believe she’s in the process of getting em an official email so I’ll be able to iChat her form my section instead of walking to her every time (which I know was annoying). But I’m excited to get an official email!! It will come in handy if she decides to bring me back every shipping week 😉

I’m still with Silver City because this is only a week long, for now. Should it become more than that, I’ll leave. Until then, I was asked to begin my server training. The only reason I’ve pushed it off until now is because I didn’t want to go through a few weeks of training just to leave when I get offered a job in my field, therefore wasting their time. But after talking to Matt & Dad about it & being approached by a manager, I’ve decided to go through with it. It’s a lot more money than I’m making as hostessing any way I look at it & that’s all that matter sot me right now. Still hoping to get a solid design job before I become a server..

For school, my transcript from TTC was accepted & processed successfully!! The trial date got pushed back so I guess it’s yet another waiting game for me. Graduation was May 10th & I already had no intentions of walking. I just want my degree in my hands so I can finally be done 😀

Mat & I are still doing great! He should be qualified in his section by the end of this week!! Not getting his fish yet but getting qualified to stand watch is a step towards it :)I also keep bugging him more & more about getting our dog. It won’t be until August when he gets back from his first mini tour & I get back from Florida. 3 months away but I still annoying him with “Where’s my puppyyyyyyyyy!?”


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